WebNotes Invite-Only Public Beta- Invites Available

by Nathan W. Burke on December 10, 2008

WebNotes, the web annotation service covered here in November, has launched their invite-only public beta. Since I last covered their closed beta, the service has made several upgrades and feature changes, though most have taken place under the hood:

  • UI changes have been made to the highligter functionality
  • Security enhancements have been made
  • Changes have been made to the underlying technology to make the entire service more stable.

But, chances are you won’t notice any changes to the service because you probably haven’t tried out the beta yet! So, if you want to check out the beta, I have invites. Just leave a comment below, and I’ll be happy to send you an invite.

  • Joe Sabia

    I have been waiting for such a service a long time and would love an app if you would please send me one!

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